Sunday, 29 January 2012

Poster- Aditi

the inbetweeners movie.

This film poster uses mise en scene very cleverly as they use the key location from the film as their background. The background is important because it’s a key location and it sets & reflects the mood of the film. The characters of the film are positioned in middle to keep them as the main focus, but their facial expression and body language stands out because for the spectators who have seen the TV series will expect them to look a certain way, which they do. Each character with their specific clothes and expressions reflect their personality and is unique.

The use of blue as their font colour doesn’t particularly shifts the focus from the main characters but still is bold enough to stand out from the poster. Also what is significant is the use of lower case for the title. This shows that they are all equal as friends perhaps and reflects on their relationship and here, there is no issue of class is seen. 


This films poster is focused on the main protagonist Mia positining her character fully on the right hand side of the poster as the film is her story. In terms of representation, she potrayed as a stereotypical council estate resident on the poster- mise en scene (hair & make up, clothes, appearence and the locations in the background). In the bottom, her mother, her mother’s boyfrined and the council estate where she resides is shown. This can give us an idea that she might belong to a working class and perhaps a poor family, this shows the representation of characters links with the gernre and the target audience. The location used at the bottom shows our society’s representation towards a certain class. As a spectator, the first things to notice are the visual elements. This poster reflects the representation of the working class very well with mise en scene: her hair, costume- stereotypical, make up and the location being the key- her house in the council estate- show’s how they can’t afford a house. The body language and their facial expressions show the mood of the film (with medium close up and close up shots), her having the head positioned downwards maybe shows shame and that she’s done something wrong perhaps.
The tagline : “LIVE, LOVE AND GIVE AS GOOD AS YOU GET”- is a crucial part of the film as it idicates certains features of the film and also gives the spectator hints.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Poster idea-Will

  • My idea would have Bradley standing at the fore front of the shot to indicate that he is the main character, also the background would be dark to indicate that the main event happened in the night.
  • Bradley would be lit up by the street light, this is a shot in the moving when he is walking home drunk, also if we could create a kind of silhouette on Bradley then it would create a sense of mystery about the character, which could link it to Bradley committing the crimes, also the red and blue lights in the background would indicate crime as well.

Film poster research-Will

1. Kidulthood


·         You can tell that certain characters may be linked by the closeness of them, like the two in the middle who you would guess are a couple.

·         The character on the right hand right looks like he could be the protagonist. I think this because he is kind of in the shadows and dark colours indicates bad. Also there is a kind of silhouette on the character adding to his mysteriousness, plus he is holding a baseball bat which in England is considered to be a weapon because not many people play baseball.


·         I think the genre could be drama because there is obviously the antagonist in the centre and two the right is the bad guy and because the person on the right has a baseball bat I guess there will be a heightened level of tension between the two, I think this because the villain always gets in the way of the hero.

 Audience and Representation

·         The audience is for the teenage market I think this because one all the characters are about that age and the audience can relate the characters because the film is supposed to be a representation of the life of a teenager in inner city London.

·         Also the first part of the title kidult, tells me that it’s about late teenagers because this is the stage where you are turning from a kid to an adult and in the first part if the title these two words are combined into one.

·         Also the second word hood, which is a slang word used for inner-city deprived areas which have some crime indicates that this is where it is set and therefore who it represents, also the ethnicity of the characters indicates that it represents inner-city life.

2. Mean Machine


  •     The character on the left seems to be the main character in the storyline because of his positioning in the poster; he is at the forefront of the poster. Also the characters to the right of him have some importance in the storyline, but you can tell the will be the supporting cast because of their position at the back of the poster meaning they have less importance, maybe they could be his friends. Also everyone is dressed in blue, but one of the characters is not this could indicate that this character might be special in relevance to the story. Plus at the bottom of the poster it says ‘kickkin off’ and a ‘kick off’ is what you do at the start of a football match, this would suggest along with the characters holding footballs in the background that there will be a football match in the story somewhere.


·        Due to the menacing look of the main characters face on the left it could indicate that he is a criminal so it could be a crime/drama film. The font of the title looks like the writing that you would get in an old western movie and they had allot of crime in them, so this is also evidence that this movie has something to do with crime. Also as I mentioned at the end of the last paragraph this could be a sport film.


  •      As I mentioned earlier the characters are all in the same clothes, apart from one who has a different colour shirt and trousers. The clothes are all very plain and simple and everyone is wearing the same clothes so this could indicate that they are prisoners because in prison everyone is given the same thing to wear. So this poster is representing criminals also with the footballs this might indicate that they were football hooligans. All this links back to my point earlier that the genre is crime.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Editing - Bradley Mills

We used a high angle shot in order to replicate the angle of a 'CCTV' camera, I added a 'Bad TV' effect to create the 'fuzzy' footage seen in the clip, because we wanted the shops CCTV camera quality to be much less advanced than the HD camera that we were using, i also made the clip black and white and took out the sound to create a feeling that it was defiantly a CCTV shot rather than an artistic shot, then i added the finishing touches such as the time and the date on the bottom left hand corner of the screen. To create a feeling that the time at the bottom was active I cut the text about three thirds through and changed the time from 20:01 to 20:02.

For the Bedroom music sequence we did not know which music track we were going to use during shooting, so we decided to film this scene without any diagetic music, but during editing i was able to gain the permission to use any track from the artist 'Cheikh', we decided on a track called 'Lights Please' because we felt it was more uplifting than the other songs, helping the idea of equilibrium at the beginning of our movie.

I edited the scene in Garage band in the final stages of the editing process as a finishing touch, I wanted it to sound to the audience as if the character 'Jack' could hear the music that was playing, I believe I was able to achieve this through dipping the sound down as seen in the image above, when he walks further away from the speakers, such as when he walks into the bathroom, I also edited the song in final cut and added an effect to make the song sound more 'tinny' in order to sound like it was playing through earphones, and added it in to the following scene when we see jack listening to his iPod through earphones.

when we see 'Jack' pick up the Ipod from the speakers i cut out the sound entirely so that i could then have the track with the effect on it start when Jack starts to listen to the music again as he walks downstairs.

We see 'Jack' adjusting something on his Ipod when he is downstairs i then made the volume slightly louder as he did this, to suggest he is able to interact with the music rather than it just being a track added in the editing stage over the top of the image.

As the camera cuts to the police officer outside i dipped the music out completely and brought it back up when the shot returns to jack, the left speaker goes out first when 'Jack' takes out the left headphone first and then the right speaker goes out as he takes the other headphone out, to achieve this effect I had to use two different versions of the track simultaneously one playing solely on the right speaker and one solely on the left and cut one out before the other.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

editing problems with light - Bradley Mills

In our 'flashback' sequence we found that our lighting was not consistent throughout all shots, i created a good piece by combining a shot looking through the window of a car however this was wearing a jumper, it was in day time and had no real relevance to the other crimes, the shot and sound was blended through editing to show how the character had parked in a disabled parking space went food shopping but then came back, but it stood out as being out of place in our movie and we decided to get rid of it.

(video of sequence)
we had a lot of problems with our car 'robery' scene particularly where the sky was much brighter than it is in the previous and following shots, we had to change the brightness and add a colour overly to replicate the look of night time.

Final after editing

although we were able to create a better effect of darkness the sky was still clearly not pitch black where it had been in previous shots in our movie, therefore i cropped out the sky as well ass adjusting the saturation,  and lowering the blacks and whites to created a more believable night time setting.

Monday, 16 January 2012

editing problems with sound - Bradley Mills

This is the edited version of the 'peeing on the wall scene' as you can see by the original footage below we had problems with the sound available, in the original footage there is laughter that is not supposed to be in the clip and there is the sound of a bottle crunching, i had to copy a section of sound from earlier in the clip, delete the sound of the laughter and the bottle crunching and paste the sound back in where the gap created was, creating a natural sound and keeping continuity in tact.

this is the unedited version of footage available.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Poster 1st draft - Bradley Mills

 We orginaly decided to call the movie inspector knoxs but as I was thinking of a design for a poster I decided that I wasnt comfortable with the name choice for various reasons, the word 'inspector' gives away the idea of a policeman being at the door, the word knocks denotates knocking where as in our movie he rings the door bell, he says in our movie i am sergent Mills and not inspector knoxs and i wasnt sure it was an appealing title for our movie.

I chose the title Last night because it suggests along with the poster that the night before was significant to the plot, the question mark connotes that there is a sense of mystery about what actualy happend last night, it also helps to make the flash back sequence clearer to the audience what uis hapening and most importantly does not give away too much of the plot creating an enigma for the audience.

British indépendant film posters - Bradley Mills

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

The 'Jaws' shot - Bradley Mills

Becky ( 1st more effective because the background seems to be com,ing forward into the shot creating a feeling of apretion

hannah ( I think that i like the second clip better becuase the policeman appears dark and scary and ambiguous by the end as he is in darkness. also i personally think the camerawork is better and if it leads into the flashback it would further extend (prolong)  the idea that the police is there to give bad news

We planned to replicate the iconic 'jaws shot' which uses a dolly and a zoom in conjunction to create a surreal feeling of a persons equilibrium being disturbed. We used a chair with wheels as our dolly and i sat on the chair whilst will pulled the chair back so that i could try to hold the camera still and zoom in at the same time, we had a lot of problems due to the lack of space available and the surfaces we were able to use and out of a choice of 13 similar shots this is the shot we decided to use.
The original shot was not completely smooth and there was a significant jolt to the left that i had to remove via editing.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Feedback - Bradley Mills

How the filming went - Bradley Mills

Day 1

On day one of filming we aranged to all meet at Burgess Hill train station but we did not set a definate time so this made getting everyone at the same place at the same time difficult, we used mobile phones to communicate with eachother but problems with that included Aditi awnsering her phone while the Will wouldnt, and when i finaly was able to get a hold of Will there were problems getting in touch with Aditi.

 At about 1 oclock we finaly all met in Burges Hill with the equiptment and walked to the location to shoot the waking up and getting ready scenes, such as walking down the stairs, This shot was good but through the window it was dark so this broke continuity and we decided we would have to re shoot this on day 3 of filming when it was bright outside to connote morning.

We started with the alarm clock scene and I suggested to put the camera underneath the bed to show my hand coming down to switch off the alarm, we tried this shot in darkness and it looked like a good shot but it was too dark so we had to set up the lighting in order to create a natural look of low key light, we did this using a dark umbrella over our light source, this created the look we wanted so we kept the light the same for the follwoing shots.

The actor we wanted to use as our policeman was not avaliable on this day of shooting so we had to shoot all of the shots prior to the policeman sequence on this day, this meant we had to take a picture of what I was wearing on the day to make sure continuity was achieved. 

Day 2

Day 2 of filming we all decided to meet up after college in order to shoot the outdoors scenes such as the shoplifting sequence for this we had to use one of our group members to be in our film along side me as an accomplice to the shoplifting crime, because we decided that petty crimes such as these are usually committed as a part of a group due to peer pressure and subculture status.
Without added lighting
we used Portable LED lighting in order to increase the quality of the footage because the street lights aren't bright enough and produce a grainy effect as we found in our first day of filming.

In order to gain permission to shoot footage in the shop we went in and asked the manager.

We also shot some footage that we did not use on this day such as the disabled parking scene which was a shame to have to cut out because it looked really good especially the way i edited it, but we decided to remove the sequence because it did not fit in well with the rest of the movie.

Day 3
For the final day of filming we needed to fill in all of the main parts to our movie that we still hadn't shot, in particular the shots with the policeman and most of the 'crimes and flashback' shots in order for this all to take place i had to arrange for the policeman to come down to our filming location when we were all back from college, we set up the lighting and tried to replicate the settings from day 1 of shooting this included myself and the the rooms in the house.

We then had to relocate to the other side of town to meet up with the actors who would help with the crime sequence when it was dark, this provided problems though because we were on a limited time scale with our actors and the natural lighting was changing all the time, this meant i had to edit the footage in final cut to make the footage darker to match the sequence.

what I have learnt - From filming i have learnt that taking the easy and convenient route is never effective and if i was to reshoot this film i would like to take a key role in all the decisions, and that a film should meet the uses and gratifications theory or there is no point making it.

Pre Filming - Bradley Mills

initial poster idea- will

For an initial idea for our poster I thought we could have a background shot of some London skyscrapers, this was also an idea we had for our titling. We wanted to have London skyscrapers for our title because for one we could put our names on the side and front of the buildings which would look quite good and also it would set the scene of our short film. The background shot of the skyscrapers would I think have to be a night shot because most of our film is at night and also we were thinking of calling our film ‘what I did last night’. Also we could incorporate Bradleys image on the poster somewhere to make it relevant to our film.   

  • Some shots I found on google images which we could potentially use or if not to just give an idea of what it would look like.

•Below is an example of a film poster that has a night time skyline shot in the background with the characters incorporated into the poster.