Tuesday, 17 January 2012

editing problems with light - Bradley Mills

In our 'flashback' sequence we found that our lighting was not consistent throughout all shots, i created a good piece by combining a shot looking through the window of a car however this was wearing a jumper, it was in day time and had no real relevance to the other crimes, the shot and sound was blended through editing to show how the character had parked in a disabled parking space went food shopping but then came back, but it stood out as being out of place in our movie and we decided to get rid of it.

(video of sequence)
we had a lot of problems with our car 'robery' scene particularly where the sky was much brighter than it is in the previous and following shots, we had to change the brightness and add a colour overly to replicate the look of night time.

Final after editing

although we were able to create a better effect of darkness the sky was still clearly not pitch black where it had been in previous shots in our movie, therefore i cropped out the sky as well ass adjusting the saturation,  and lowering the blacks and whites to created a more believable night time setting.

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