This film poster uses mise en scene very cleverly as they use the key location from the film as their background. The background is important because it’s a key location and it sets & reflects the mood of the film. The characters of the film are positioned in middle to keep them as the main focus, but their facial expression and body language stands out because for the spectators who have seen the TV series will expect them to look a certain way, which they do. Each character with their specific clothes and expressions reflect their personality and is unique.
The use of blue as their font colour doesn’t particularly shifts the focus from the main characters but still is bold enough to stand out from the poster. Also what is significant is the use of lower case for the title. This shows that they are all equal as friends perhaps and reflects on their relationship and here, there is no issue of class is seen.
This films poster is focused on the main protagonist Mia positining her character fully on the right hand side of the poster as the film is her story. In terms of representation, she potrayed as a stereotypical council estate resident on the poster- mise en scene (hair & make up, clothes, appearence and the locations in the background). In the bottom, her mother, her mother’s boyfrined and the council estate where she resides is shown. This can give us an idea that she might belong to a working class and perhaps a poor family, this shows the representation of characters links with the gernre and the target audience. The location used at the bottom shows our society’s representation towards a certain class. As a spectator, the first things to notice are the visual elements. This poster reflects the representation of the working class very well with mise en scene: her hair, costume- stereotypical, make up and the location being the key- her house in the council estate- show’s how they can’t afford a house. The body language and their facial expressions show the mood of the film (with medium close up and close up shots), her having the head positioned downwards maybe shows shame and that she’s done something wrong perhaps.
The tagline : “LIVE, LOVE AND GIVE AS GOOD AS YOU GET”- is a crucial part of the film as it idicates certains features of the film and also gives the spectator hints.
Aditi - there are problems here with length (too short) and also format. You know by now that the format must consist of short points (notes) using terms frequently, and poster analysis should be linked to your own styles of film making or story etc. There appear to be no links here. I'm also concerned about your attendance at the moment - why were you absent today (again, your name is not on the absence list, so is not authorised). Disappointing. Come and see me tomorrow or as soon as you return.