Tuesday, 22 November 2011

All My Dreams On VHS: Bradley Mills (unfinnished)

All My Dreams On VHS - Bradley Mills

The film starts with a sound bridge which I think is an interesting way to start a film and is how I want to begin my own film , we can hear the characters before we see them which raises the level of importance and expectations we have of these characters because there is a slight mystery raised by using this technique as to who these people are and why these people are being introduced to us in this way suggesting importance.

In the establishing sequence the film keeps cutting back to this shot, the camera is at a slightly tilted angle and pans down as if to show that there are many tapes, there is a shallow depth of field and drawing attention to the tapes that are closest to the camera.

There is a use of a fade to black cut which is interesting because this disrupts the continuity of the scene suggesting that these tapes represent time past, just as the cut to black creates a delay in time. Out of the 'fade to black' we see two characters walking towards the camera who are the characters we heard talking during the sound bridge, the shot then fades back towards the tapes suggesting that these tapes and these characters are linked in the plot.

The two characters enter the mans house, the interior if primarily all white, which connotes innocence and sincerity which is important to us believing that what he is saying about the 'tapes' is true. This screen grab also shows us the vast amount of tapes they are stacked up almost as high as he is standing.

This 'white' and innocence comes through with the character as he comes across as a likeable but childish character in some ways, this is also reflected in his dreams, which instead of being violent or pornographic they are about nice friendly things such as 'Monster likes me' where he explains its about playing on the beach with monsters.

This screen grab shows the female characters shock when she finds a tape named 'Erica' this suggests that she is 'Erica' and is shocked by this discovery.

Erica then watches the film labelled 'Erica' we do not see what she is seeing but her facial expressions suggest to the audience about what could be on the type and how she feels about it.

This use of letting facial expression tell the story is a strong sequence in the film and it is similar to the scene in Amelia and Micheal where Amelia hears bad news but we do not hear what the character hears we are lead to suggest this through her facial expressions.

There is a good sequence where the male character realises that he has this tape named 'Erica' whilst she is in his house, where he rushes back and catches her watching the tape.

This screen grab shows the embarrassment and shock in a two shot of the two characters, similar again to the way in 'Amelia and Micheal' where when the characters feel they have done 'Wrong' cannot look at each other, the male character has hidden behind the sofa and turned his head away from Erica, to suggest that his embarrassment is causing him to want to hide from the situation.

The conversation that precedes creates an Enigma to what is on the tape, where the two characters hint at what is on the tape leaving the audience guessing.

In a twist in the plot Ericas reaction to what was on the tape is extremely positive where the audience where being mislead into thinking that she was having a very negative reaction to the tape which was supposed to be his 'dream'.

The significant sequence in the movie is when the first row of tapes fall down and Erica realises that she is no longer 'special' and that he has had dreams about many other girls before, this ruins the moment and she leaves.

the characters innocence is then questioned, but he regains some of his innocence when we see him smiling and watching his dreams in a child like manner.

 All My Dreams On VHS

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