Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Main Film Idea - Bradley Mills

Possible names of this film

What have I done this time?

A knock at the door


The film will start of just like a regular day, Jack Meade is woken up by his alarm clock, he completes regular daily activities such as shaving,showering and brushing his teeth he then goes downstairs to put on the TV or Playstation.

There is a police man at the door, Jack Pauses the TV/Playstation symbolising the pause in the Equilibrium, he walks to the door to talk to the police man.

Flash back
Jack has a flashback of all the possible reasons that the police man may be at his door looking for him, the proceeding shots show scenes of petty crimes such as shop lifting which will be shot at a high angle with a specific filter made to look like a CCTV shot.

Equilibrium restored
Police man says that he has found Jacks wallet or something small, reliving Jack of his worries Jack then goes back to what he was doing, (presses play on the playstation/TV) this signifies the restoration of the equilibrium. 

Possible Actors To play JACK

JIDE BUCKLEY - Aged 17 (Media Student) The main reason I feel that he will make a good leading character in our film is because he is very good in front of the camera he is a very confident person therefore will not be embarrassed to 'act' in front of the camera and he has the right look that i want.

 - This Video although was made to promote his Basketball skills still shows Jide's camera presence and confidence.
          BRADLEY MILLS (MYSELF) - Aged 18 The main reason i am considering using myself as the main character is because i can rely on myself being there when needed, however if Jide is available i will use him as 'JACK'

Harry Cowan/George Turner - Aged 17 The main reason i am considering using Harry or George as the main character is because They are both talented drama students and trust worthy friends.

The Actor i will use for the police man will be my dad.

We will shoot the house scenes in my Dads house in Cheam (Epsom)it is an urban area and is more interesting a location in terms of our movie than in sussex, we will ask in corner shops for permission to shoot the 'shoplifting' scene in the local area if not we will shoot this scene in sussex when we get back.

possible problems shooting

Possible problems may include transport problems, trying to get 'camera crew' and actors to the location and back but i have arranged a lift down there.

Other problems may include getting permission to shoot scenes such as the 'shop lifting' scene, and filming more scenes of crime without doing anything 'illegal' whilst shooting.


  1. This appears to be a workable idea, but you'll need to make the flashback scenes interesting and varied, as well as plausible. You need to think about film techniques now, as this will make or break an idea like this. Is this a group decision? Allocate roles as on the deadline sheet - see my blog.

  2. Improve the working title of the film - it's not neat enough. Single words work well.

  3. i agree the names are poor, well have a brain storm next lesson
