- Continuity Editing (invisible) : This type of editing comes from Hollywood films, most films are edited this way as the cuts are intended to not be obstructive to the viewing .
- 180 degrees rule : this is almost like an imaginary line between two characters and the camera should stay behind the line, breaking the rule is referred to as crossing the line. If it is broken it can be visually confussing and positions will suddenly be reversed.
- Montage editing : is the opposite to continuity editing, it can include frequent cuts fades and jumps, uses of close ups and it will convey a meaning although the shots might not be in time order. Often used in trailer.s
- Cuts : when the image changes without any noticeable transition
- Pace of editing : some my use few or many shots fast or slow to create different dramatic effects.
- Match cut : matching one action or an object to another in a different time or place to make a smooth transition.
- Reaction shot : a shot of a person reacting to what has been said or done
- Flash back or flash forward : A cut is designed to take us back or forward in time.
- Cutaway shot : A bridging between shots of the same subject to represent a second activity happening at the same time.
- Cross dissolve
- Fade in / Out
- Use of multimedia
- Wipe
- Jump Cut
- Motivated Cut
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