Friday, 17 February 2012

Last Night Film Posters - Bradley Mills

Poster option 1

The making of

I opened the picture into photoshop in an A3 format, I then edited the picture by going to Layer then New adjustment Layer and chose Brightness and contrast and adjusted the amount of contrast to give the picture darker shadows to create an enigma about the character.  I then added a new photo filter adjustment layer and picked a blue undertone, this gave the photo some cold tones which connotates to the story line and blue has police connotations, then i used the magnetic lasso tool to select the eyes i then went to filter and sharpened and increased the sharpness of the eyes to make them stand out as a key feature of the poster. I then used the burn tool along the left side of the face to add darkness and shadows to create an enigma about the character, i also used the burn tool to darken the whole background so that the face was the main focus of the photo, i then used some credits from the star treck movie poster by using the magic wand tool to deleted the background behind the text, i then used the opacity setting to have the text blend in with the image, I then chose a font from to use for my title as this font was used in our film to create synergy, i then selected layer style and added a blue drop shadow and a outer glow to the title this adds into the cool blue tones of the poster, i then added text for the cinema release dates actors names and tag line, i then added a new text layer and added numbers which i wanted to appear on the skin, i then brought the opacity level down to about 30 percent and used the layer style to bevel and emboss to wrap the text around the face i went to edit transform and then warp and used the contor circles to match around the facial structure.
Poster option 2

with the second poster i added a red photo filter and the burn tool to darken out the street and add a red undertone and added drop shadows to the title letters.

Pre poster

My previous experience with photoshop

In GCSE media studies I was asked to make a CD cover and back cover i could not locate the back cover but i took an estate tower and tilted it and had the track titles resting against the side of the building, I then added effects such as the outer glow to give it the effect that as on the front, i took a brick wall picture for the background and also added a dim red-ish glow to it, i added the london map on top of the wall with a red tone to it and added a puzzle effect to the picture for effect and added text blocks and key images at the bottom.

I achieved an A for this CD design but it has been a few years since i last used photoshop so i had to re familiarise myself with the application.

In year 11 I dressed as superman for non school uniform day and photoshopped a picture of me picking up a bolder and applied it to a city setting this was the last time I used photoshop.

This was the original poster posted by Aditi - I felt that it looked amateur and it had many flaws such as the text not being the text we used in the movie, the background was a plain brick wall and the credits were in the wrong place, also the images were not framed properly, as well as the date of birth on the passport not corresponding to the date the character gives in the film.

I decided to take more pictures myself and complete the poster myself and feel that the poster is now a part of my work that i can feel proud of, and I believe that is the most important part about producing work for others to view.

I believe that my movie posters incorporate the two main features from my original design the first poster has the character looking directly into the camera, and the second poster incorporates the character walking in the street lights alone.

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